The value of time is comprised of the exact moment at hand - and as such it is immeasurably precious.

Time loses all meaning when I´m absorbed in my work. I don´t count the hours. The value of time is comprised of the exact moment at hand - and as such it is immeasurably precious. At that moment I am the master of my own time and I allocate it to the best of my ability.

The perception of watches as mere time measuring devices is a very one-dimensional interpretation of time. I discern the watch as a constant reminder of the fact that our time is limited; all of the disposable time is worth spending on personally meaningful matters. Time is one of my most valuable assets and I invest it as I see fit.

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Ref: 21.400.01.521

Försti Diver Limited Edition

The Heritage 1907 Collection

The Heritage 1907 Collection

Voutilainen X Leijona is a long-term partnership which takes Leijona back to its roots - to the watchmaking valley of Val-de-Travers and crafting unique timepieces.

More about the collaboration

Voutilainen X Leijona Collection